HR Outsourcing

HR Oursourcing Service

We have a competitive advantage from distinctive capabilities and have developed the ability to hire efficient staff and manage their complexity in changing times with greater effectiveness.

Our aim is to provide your company with reliable and experienced IT Staff for both long- and short-term basis covering the area of HR outsourcing and managed services.

Your Challenges

  • Do you recognize the need to dedicate more effort on HR matters?
  • Do you find it hard to justify employing HR personnel?
  • Do you find thatyour HR personnel spend most of their time engaged on administrative HR issues rather than focusing oncritical matters that are of strategic value-adding to your business?

How we can help

Human resource management is a major task for all employers, irrespective of size or specialization. Pufferfish HR Consulting can be your partnerto ensure that matters related to your most important asset-your people arebeing addressed in timely and effective manner.